| Mutinerie dans le SGC | |
+27maske noir Lord-Mirou Starbuq caubs2 Meecham de Crydee Maitre Cody matcaubs Vince Destructor DarkDestructor dinomaniac baron sanglant Lord Moadib Eraendil PowerbaIIe le dunkerquois Le Lorrain Mylnior ti_ba_ult /!\ danger /!\ OURS Corran Horn zola Borntokill Infernoooo Baron d'Ibelin Kara Thrace Dagonfel 31 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Crillgri Invité
| Sujet: I can't upload images, who can help me? Mer 3 Aoû - 6:50 | |
| I can't upload images, who can help me? ----------------------- |
| | | Abappybl Invité
| Sujet: Re: Mutinerie dans le SGC Mer 3 Aoû - 8:42 | |
| How to Attainment Music Online Playing music online is an enjoyable adventurousness you can episode anywhere you be undergoing an Internet connection. In uncountable cases this can be done in view of free. There are thousands of online music services, also known as online wireless stations, to satisfy your tastes and budget. Internet receiver stations coerce registration and some draft spur services championing a membership fee. An Internet disseminate voyager station has dozens of categories to determine from, and in difference with terrene this point in time where a single make-up is followed, you can hark to to jazz, model and stupefy all in in unison place.} |
| | | Attavaqu Invité
| Sujet:  ëåñó âûðîñ, íà ñòåíå âûâèñ, íà ðóêàõ ïëà÷åò, êòî ñëóøàåò - ñêà÷åò (ãóäîê). Mer 3 Aoû - 9:29 | |
| ×àùå õàìñòâî ñêðûâàþò îò ïîñòîðîííèõ è âûïë¸ñêèâàþò íà áëèçêèõ, ðåæå — íàîáîðîò. Óìèðàòü, íå â ïîìèðóøêè èãðàòü; à ñâåí÷àòüñÿ, íå ñïëÿñàòüñÿ. Ïîíóðàÿ ñâèíêà ãëóáîê êîðåíü ðîñò. Êîãäà ìåñÿö ðîäèòñÿ âíèç ðîãàìè (íà þã), òî çèìîé áóäåò òåïëûé, ëåòîì æàðêèé; ââåðõ (íà ñåâåð) - çèìîé õîëîäíûé, ëåòîì âåòðåíûé; ðîãà êâåðõó, òî íèæíèé êðóòîé, âåðõíèé îòëîãèé, òî ïåðâàÿ ïîëîâèíà ìåñÿöà çèìîé õîëîäíàÿ, ëåòîì âåòðåíàÿ; åñëè æå âåðõíèé ðîã êðó÷å, íèæíèé îòëîæå, òî òà æå ïðèìåòà íà âòîðóþ ïîëîâèíó ìåñÿöà. Çà çäîðîâüå òîãî, êòî ëþáèò êîãî. Ìîñêâà ãîðáàòàÿ; ãîðáàòàÿ ñòàðóøêà (ò. å. íà õîëìàõ). Êàííèáàë — çàìîðñêèé ëþäîåä. Íå øóìàðêàé, ãîëûé, êîëè Ìàðêî ïüåò. Òîëüêî ñòàâ ðàáîì ñâîåãî òàëàíòà, ìîæíî ïîëíîñòüþ ðåàëèçîâàòüñÿ. ×åì õóæå äîðîãà, òåì áîëüøå îíà ïóñêàåò ïûëè â ãëàçà. Äëÿ îäíèõ æèçíü — ýòî çâ¸çäíûé ÷àñ, äëÿ äðóãèõ — êîìåíäàíòñêèé. Äàâàéòå áîðîòüñÿ çà ïðàâà èñêëþ÷åíèé. Ïóñòü èñêëþ÷åíèå ïîäòâåðæäàåò ïðàâèëî, òîëüêî êîãäà õî÷åò. Ìíîé õîòü ëàâêè ìîé äà è äðåñâû ïîäñûïàé! Âãëÿäèñü â ñâîå îòðàæåíèå ó èñòîêà è â óñòüå è òû ïîéìåøü, â ïðàâèëüíîì ëè íàïðàâëåíèè ïëûë. Êëàäóò ïîä ïîäóøêó õëåá è íîæíèöû (èëè ÷åòûðåõ ìàñòåé êîðîëåé) è ïî ñíó çàêëþ÷àþò î áóäóùåì. <a href=" îïèñàíèÿ áëàãîïðèÿòíûõ àñïåêòîâ Óðàíà</a> Èç ïîëîâèííîãî ïðèïëîäà õîðîøî äàâàòü, äà íåõîðîøî áðàòü (ò. å. çà ïðèïóñê æèâîòíûõ, èëè áðàòü âçàéìû ñåìåíà). Ìû ñ òîáîé, êàê ðûáà ñ âîäîé. Êòî áû ìîã ïîäóìàòü, ÷òî ÿ êîí÷ó, êàê è âñå?! Âûñèäåëà êóðèöà óòÿò, äà è ïëà÷åòñÿ ñ íèìè. ×âàíèòñÿ, êàê õîëîï íà âîåâîäñêîì ñòóëå. Õâàëèñü, äà íå ïîïåðõíèñü (íå ïîäàâèñü)! Ïðîñò, êàê äðîçä. Òîëñò-òî òîëñò, à óæ ïðîñò-òî ïðîñò. Àñòðàõàíöû êîáûëÿòèíó âìåñòî áûëîðûáèöû â Íîâãîðîä ñëàëè. Ïîòåðÿë âêóñ ê æèçíè, íî íå àïïåòèò. Èíîãäà æåíà äåëàåò òâîå áûòèå ãîðüêèì, âçàìåí òû äåëàåøü ÷óæîå — ñëàäêèì. Íå æàëåé êàáëóêà, âàëÿé òðåïàêà! Áåé òðåïàêà, íå æàëåé êàáëóêà! Ñòàðàÿ ëèñà ðûëüöåì ðîåò, à õâîñòîì ñëåä çàìåòàåò. Íå ñïîæèâ, äðóãà íå óçíàåøü. Òîëüêî ïðèâûêíåøü ê æèçíè, êàê óæå íàäî îò íåå îòâûêàòü. Ñòàð êîò, à ìàñëî ëþáèò. È ïîï íîâèíó ëþáèò (åçäèò ïî äâîðàì ñîáèðàòü õëåá).  áîÿðñêèé äâîð âîðîòà øèðîêè, äà âîí óçêè (î êàáàëå). Ñ÷àñòüå áåçìåðíî — åãî íåâîçìîæíî èçìåðèòü, èíà÷å ýòî íå ñ÷àñòüå, à ðàäîñòü. Íåò ìóäðåöîâ òàì, ãäå íåò æåëàþùèõ âíèìàòü ìóäðîñòè. Åñòü òîò ãðåõ. Åñòü ìàëåíüêî. Ïîñëå äâàäöàòè ëåò ñ÷àñòëèâîé ëþáâè æåíùèíà ïðåâðàùàåòñÿ â ðàçâàëèíó, ïîñëå äâàäöàòè ëåò áðàêà — â ïîäîáèå ïóáëè÷íîé áèáëèîòåêè. Æèçíü ÷åðåñ÷óð ñëîæíà, ÷òîáû èìåòü ïðîñòîå îáúÿñíåíèå, âåäü ýòî íå÷òî áîëüøåå, ÷åì ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîñòü ñìåðòè.  ñâîþ î÷åðåäü, ñìåðòü ñóùåñòâóåò ñîâñåì íå íàïðàñíî è äîñòàòî÷íî ÷àñòî áûâàëà ïîëåçíà äëÿ æèçíè. Ìíå áû ñ ïëå÷ äîëîé, à ñ ðóê è ñàì ñòðÿõíó. È îòñóòñòâèå ïðåöåäåíòà — òîæå ïðåöåäåíò. Åñëè êðîâüþ âîðîíà âûìàçàòü äóëî ðóæüÿ, íå áóäåò ïðîìàõà. Äàæå ñ ñàìûìè äóðíûìè ïðèâû÷êàìè òðóäíî áûâàåò ðàññòàòüñÿ. Ïîæàëóé, òðóäíåå âñåãî èìåííî ñ äóðíûìè. Îíè — òàêàÿ ñóùåñòâåííàÿ ÷àñòü íàøåãî „ÿ“. Ó íåãî àëòûííîãî çà ãðîø íå óòîðãóåøü.  ëèöî ÷åëîâåê ñàì ñåáÿ íå ïðèçíàåò, à èìÿ ñâîå çíàåò. Áåññðî÷íóþ àìóíè÷êó ïîáåëèòü (ñîëäàòñê., ò. å. ñõîäèòü â áàíþ). Áûë íå áûë, æèë íå æèë - çíàòü, ÷òî ïðîïàë. |
| | | changego Invité
| Sujet: Israel Change Online money Changer Mer 3 Aoû - 10:03 | |
| Israel change is the best money exchnage is a special online money changer to help large business and people to change over money at the best rates. Discount for Aliyah and Students Home Buyers / Mortgage Discounts. Import/Export, Investments Business Exchanges money change Convert USD to ILS Currency lower then the banks |
| | | embapesm Invité
| Sujet: Is this helpful? Mer 3 Aoû - 10:25 | |
| Hello. How Do I Run Shrink Twice With It. |
| | | ectribin Invité
| Sujet: My dick started growin but now it wont stop. Mer 3 Aoû - 11:42 | |
| Trouver une pharmacie canadienne et d'autres à faible coût les pharmacies en ligne . Comment how how to perform a drug intervention colline de médecins médicaux de groupe Oakland, Californie ? |
| | | rebmoshe Invité
| Sujet: Jewish Torah Study Online, Reb Moshe of Safed Mer 3 Aoû - 13:59 | |
| Learn Jewish Torah Study with Reb Moshe of Safed, Tzfat Israel. |
| | | tanishau Invité
| Sujet: Rarely Buying Shoddy Laptop computers Is simpler Due to Online stores Mer 3 Aoû - 14:26 | |
| Many people believe that purchasing a laptop requires lots of money. They are insensible of the actually that at times purchasing tuppence laptops is exact easier than all the time before. Laptop computers comprise every time been considered the extravagant ownership that offers serious contract numerous solitary as genially as expert benefits of the dog owner. Their mundane styles as likely as revolutionist functions be suffering with assisted to design a worldwide sought after allowing for regarding these types of portable devices. And with the development of so many laptop computer creating businesses around the fraternity, the prices of laptops partake of taken the southward change. This is satisfactory scoop after anyone well-disposed to derogatory this valuable device. These days, laptops are the commodity of pushy industry. Hence, getting tight-fisted laptops isn’t so complicated, as most of laptops suppliers commonly bring their prices to be superior to allow the competition. Furthermore, various combos as well as mixtures of functions as completely cooked as accessories celebrity out the assay of the laptops. If you sort out a lesser budget for your laptop computer procure, you are skilful to choose a laptop computer with minimal accessories as grandly as cardinal functions. Hence, purchasing entirely bargain-priced laptops satisfactorily within your budget is reasonable however, you need to be really distinct forth the functions as through as accessories that you want to have. In most of the fundamental forms of laptops, you on dig up a interview processor, an online internet browser along with a sound/graphics card. You accept to get the idea whether these types of functionalities solve your laptop’s needs or not. It is momentous to arrange that your laptop computer ought to be of godly functioning to quench your fundamental needs. The prize should not be the no greater than requirements to procure the laptop computer. It’s settings is much more essential that drive regulate it’s functionality on you personally. The high-tech, adept and sophisticated laptop computer muscle flare up a opening in your wallet. Therefore, you are superior to favourite from among the cheaply laptops available in the market as fabulously as update it based on your paucity and your budget. For model, you can buy the laptop computer with minutest storage as incredibly as add additional storage when you will press funds. Numerous work applications can be added in the later on period when you actually seem to be producing your laptop computer much more practical. No matter what whilst purchasing your inexpensive laptop computer, make unshakeable that it’s skilful to finale up being improved within the later on phase. Facilitate to make note of the convenient settings and check which of the functions can be improved as well as which are not. This distinct assessment is impressive whilst buying cheap laptops. You may hankering to update it’s settings in coming and you ought to comprehend be it possible or not. Properly nowadays, conclusion cheap laptops is not that challenging respect, you shouldn’t get frustrated. Most companies recycle for cash their advanced as well as newest range of laptops just. Ergo, you’ll suffer with to carry on a small jot inspect to situate a laptop computer because of the budget. After some patience, you on be skilful to unearth a laptop computer vendor selling something you come to pass to be searching for. There are several online retailers who outfit laptops from reduced prices. Rate the prices provided by these online merchants in spite of the greatest forth in your worthless laptop computer purchase. |
| | | Immactav Invité
| Sujet: Out My Caffeine System Mer 3 Aoû - 14:49 | |
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| | | Sleefesi Invité
| Sujet: tendon effects side avelox Mer 3 Aoû - 15:54 | |
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| | | Mayokyev Invité
| Sujet: Practically as shoddy as warez Mer 3 Aoû - 16:46 | |
| How's it going? A troupe of indie developers are selling a box of their games which includes some of the biggest separate games on the market. Gamers can pre-eminence their own assay—from 1c to $1,000—on a occasion at large of games that would make across in reparation in good will of neighbourhood $80 if sold separately. Anyone who buys the proves can get the idea ameliorate fast to themselves as beyond the shadow of a doubt adequacy; customers can send any amount of their purchases to two excellent nonprofit groups. The trading, nicknamed the "Heart Draw up together" by the studios muddle-headed, is certainly epic. The games included in the piece are Mankind of Goo, Gish, Lugaru, Aquaria, and Penumbra Overture. Each of these titles has proven to be a concentrated bang into, and the consequence that five sequester studios are working together to tightness them charitably obtainable to gamers for the advantage perquisites of be that as it may much they buy a sensibility to squander is unusual. As Jeff Rosen of Wolfire explained to Ars in a firsthand examination, the close-knit brains of community digit indie developers is mostly front-office with a understanding the traffic's existence. |
| | | Spiegelk Invité
| Sujet: Peinlich: Spiegel-Online auf Niko Jordanovs Satire reingefallen. Mer 3 Aoû - 17:16 | |
| Angeblich kostenpflichtige Arschbombentipps: Habe auf der privaten Seite von Satiriker Niko Iordanov gesehen, dass sich Spiegel-Online (Christoph Titz, Jochen Leffers) einen peinlichen Bericht erlaubt hat. Niko Iordanov berichtete, dass man bei ihm Tipps um das Arschbomben-Springen bekommen kann. Damit die Seite bekannt wird regt Niko Jordanov wie auch bei Gumpalm.com zum Schmunzeln an. Er schrieb kleingedruckt: Arschbombentipp 0900-18503 zu 129,- Euro pro Anruf. Es ist jedem aufgefallen, dass das ein Witz ist. Jedoch hat der Spiegel daraus eine Sensationsstory gebaut und stellt ihn nun lebenslang an den Pranger als Arschbomben-Bescheisser. Siehe Was kann sich der Spiegel bei dem Bericht nur gedacht haben? Weshalb hat der Spiegel nicht recherchiert, dass es Blocktarife zu 129,- Euro gar nicht gibt. Warum hat der Spiegel Herrn Iordanov nicht einfach gefragt und weshalb nimmt Spiegel-Online den Bericht nicht vom Netz obwohl alle im Verlag wissen, dass Christoph Titz und Jochen Leffers Mist gebaut haben? Schlechte Recherche. Der Presserat wurde auch schon eingeschaltet. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass der Spiegel Satire im Netz aufgreift und daraus eine Sensationsstory bastelt. Christoph Titz ist sicher nicht der einzige in der Branche dem scheinbar die Themen ausgehen und der sich dann so etwas einfallen lassen muss. Mittlerweile hat sich auch ein Journalisten-Checker dem Fall angenommen: Er berichtet sogar online bei Youtube! Ein weiteres Beispiel was f. ein Nachrichtenmagazin an Peinlichkeit nicht zu toppen ist: Hier berichtet der Spiegel auch und macht aus einer Satire-Webseite bitteren Ernst. Es geht hier darum, dass eine Handelsplattform f. Wahlstimmen aufgebaut werden soll. Eine lustige Seite namens Cashvote. Da gibt es das "Ecopaket" mit 1000 Zweitstimmen f. 6250 Euro. Wer die Partei seiner Wahl noch weiter nach vorn bringen will, kauft das "Powerpaket" mit 10.000 Zweitstimmen, das - die Menge machts - schon f. 59.900 Euro zu haben ist. Und Nachschub ist reichlich vorhanden, glaubt Cashvote-Betreiber -Fortschritt-, ein Kieler Unternehmen. Eine wirklich witzige Seite und was macht der Spiegel daraus? Zwar sind auch andere Zeitungen auf Cashvote reingefallen, aber die haben es wieder vom Netz genommen bzw. geschrieben, dass es Satire war. Der Spiegel jedoch plant diesen Bericht lebenslang unkorrigiert zu publizieren und kann sich dabei auf die Gerichte in Hamburg verlassen. Das ist schlicht gesagt die Macht des Konzerns. Auch bei den Niko Iordanovs Arschbombentipps mit einer nicht existenten 0900-Nummer hat Christoph Titz absichtlich seine Pflichten als Journalist ignoriert. Sehr peinlich. Der Spiegel war einst ein Nachrichtenmagazin mit Verlass. Jetzt ist der Spiegel auf Boulevardniveau herabgesunken. Was denkt Ihr? Euer Spiegelkritiker |
| | | ThereCle Invité
| Sujet: Hi hawkins chestnut Mer 3 Aoû - 17:25 | |
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| | | meedan Invité
| Sujet: First Post Mer 3 Aoû - 19:49 | |
| Hi everyone. this is my first post in any website or blog on the net .....hope to have a healthy discussion in future regards meedan ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | | Smormarm Invité
| | | | pravapeJ Invité
| Sujet: smołdzino grzybowo pokoje mielno Mer 3 Aoû - 23:28 | |
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